Comic Book Postal Auctions

November 2023 Results

British comics, annuals & artwork

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Note: Prices Realised include 19% Buyer's Premium.


Ally Sloper metal vesta matchstick case (1920s-1930s) with 'click-open' top
2½ ins tall. Scarce
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £89


Cowboys, Cowmen, Red Men, Red Indian story books (Cassell 1920s - 1930s) by Edward S. Ellis with tooled covers and spines:
Cowmen and Rustlers, Deerfoot in the Forest, Footprints in the Forest, Last Struggle, Last War Trail, Lost Among the Red Men, Lost Trail, Path in the Ravine, Pony Express Rider and The Three Arrows
[fn-/fn+] (10)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £107


Wild Adventure story books (Cassell, Nelson, Blackie, Pearson 1914-30s):
World of Ice by R. M. Ballantyne, Hunt of the White Elephant, Hunt on Snow Shoes, both by E.S. Ellis, With Kitchener in Soudan, By Right of Conquest, both by G.A. Henty, Black Box by W. Bourne Cook, In the Eastern Seas and Two Shipmates, both by W.H. Kingston, Brannan the Pict by Mary Outram and Midst Arctic Perils by Percy Westerman [vg/fn] (10)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Happy Days (1938 Amalgamated Press) 2, 18, 21, 31, 32, 36, 37
Starring Chimpo's Circus by Roy Wilson, Sons of the Sword and Wonder Island, all colour adventures
[vg/fn] (7)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £43


Laurel and Hardy original 15 panel artwork (1937) by George Wakefield for Film Fun 9 Oct 1937
Stan tries to teach Olly not to be so nosey but the tables are turned when Olly gets a big reward for capturing notorious burglar, Rough Rupert!
Indian ink on card highlighted by blue crayon. Each panel, approx 10 x 5 ins (15)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £125


Mickey Mouse Weekly (1936-42) from Odhams Press Art Dept
No 1 [vg-] with Post Toasties Post ad page supplement, 16, 20, 23, 38, 40 First Fireworks (x2), 44, 50, 51, 53 wfg 4 pg Supplement, 64, 71, 100 (New Year 1938) 111-114, 116-122, 124-142, 144 Fireworks, 145-151 (Xmas 1938), 152, 191, 192, 199, 201, 203 (Grand Xmas Number 1939) 206, 216, 217, 227, 231, 241, 255 (Xmas 1940), 259, 263, 266, 273, 275 (x2), 277, 280, 285-288, 291, 292, 300, 1942: 17 Jan, 14 Feb, 28 Mar, 11 Apr, 9 May, 6 June, 4 Jul, 18 Jul, 1 Aug, 15 Aug, 12 Sept
Including 13 dummy 'Printers' Proof' and 'Advance' copies compiled by publisher, Odhams Press Art Dept. with 4 blank sides in each. (Also added to this lot of 88 complete issues are 45 covers only and damaged copies from the same years)
31 issues [gd], balance 57 issues [vg-/fn] (88)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £524


Dandy Comic No 1 (1937)
Introducing Korky the Cat, Desperate Dan , Keyhole Kate and Freddy the Fearless Fly
Well worn and torn cover margins with ¾ spine split and back cover having some margin loss. Interior pages with worn edges and tears and page 6-7 with strengthened paper spine. Complete with all 28 pages and no brittleness [fr/gd]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £3,630


Dandy (1940) 119-121 (Easter number)
Propaganda war issues with Addie and Hermy the Nasty Nazis, Fearless Fly
Freddie won't eat at the Swastika café and meddlesome Matty captures a German spy
[vg/vg-/vg] (3)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


Dandy (1940) 160 Christmas Holiday Number, with 161 Korky's Christmas Greetings
No. 160 worn brittle edges [fr], 161 [gd] (2)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Dandy 244 (1943) [vg] with (1946) 312, 316, 324 [fn-/fn] (4)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £77


Dandy (1944) 268-271 Propaganda war issues
'Inky Poo's magic turns waste paper into Shells and Guns! YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Take all your waste paper to the nearest salvage depot. From there it will go to the factories to make shells, guns, tanks and planes.'
[fn-/fn+] (4)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £113


Dandy (1944) 273-276
Propaganda war issues with the 2nd appearance of Mr X - The Amazing Superman, the first super-hero in British comics
'Freddy the Fearless Fly is writing in the sky 'save paper'.
No 274 [fr], balance [vg/fn] (4)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £77


Dandy (1944) 277-279 Fireworks, 281
Propaganda war issues. '9 old copies of the Dandy make 1 box for shells. WASTE PAPER SPELLS VICTORY!'
No 281 [gd], 279 Fireworks [fn+], 277, 278 [vg] (4)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Dandy 282 (1944) Xmas Number
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £107


Dandy 334 Bumper Xmas Number (1946)
Bright cover with 1 ins top cover tear, cream pages [fn]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £50


Dandy (1947-48) 339, 341, 343-345, 350, 352, 357, 379
No 345 [gd], 352 [vg], balance [vg+/fn] (9)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Dandy (1948) 360-375, 377, 379-382, 384
With double of 366 Easter and including 369 (Desperate Dan cover appearance), Fireworks and Extra Special Birthday Number
[fn/vfn] (23)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £262


Dandy (1948) 364, 366, 369, 370, 373-375, 384, 385 Xmas, including Easter, 369 Desperate Dan cover, and Extra Special Birthday Number
With Dandy (1960) 972, 973, 957 and 996 Xmas
Xmas 1948 [gd], Xmas 1960 [fn+], balance [vg-/vg] (13)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £107


Dandy 385 (1948) Grand Xmas Number
1" top cover tear [fn]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £43


Dandy (1949) 386-423
Complete year in bound volume starring Desperate Dan and Danny Longlegs by Dudley Watkins.
Published fortnightly until July, then weekly once more
A few [fn], balance [vfn/nm] (38)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £643


Dandy (1949) 392, 393 Easter [gd+], 394, 396, 398, 402, 403, 406, 407, 410, 413, 414, 419
No 402 [vg-], balance [vg/fn+] (13)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £89


Beano 102 (1940)
Propaganda war issue with ad for Magic free gift Sherbert Sucker as Pansy Potter brings down Goering and a German bomber
With Magic 51 (1940) with Paul Pye the Nasty Spy and Peter Piper story about the same Sherbert Sucker! Beano [vg-], Magic [gd] (2)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £262


Beano (1948) 330-334, 336-339, 344-350
In bound volume including April Fool and Fireworks issues
[vg] (16)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


Beano (1949) 352-389
Complete year in bound volume with first appearances of Jack Flash - the Flying Boy, Deep Sea Danny's Iron Fish and Tick-Tock Tony in The Horse that Jack Built
Published fortnightly to No 366 then weekly once more
No 356 top 1¼ inch of margin cut away [gd], balance issues [fn/vfn] (38)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £643


Beano Low Grades (1948-49) 328, 338, 344, 347, 348 (x2), 349, 357, 362-364, 367, 371, 373, 374, 379, 382-384, 389
11 issues [gd], 4 issues [gd/vg], 5 issues [vg-/vg] (20)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £137


Beano Lower Grades (1949-53) 371, 364, 384, 401, 402, 500, 507, 513, 524, 526, 537 Fireworks, 541, 542, 584
6 issues [gd], balance [vg-/vg] (14)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Children's Holiday Fun soft cover annuals 2 & 4 (1938, 1940). John Leng & Co
There were only 4 annual printed. With cover art by Sam Fair (wartime illustrator of Addie and Hermy the Nasty Nazis, Pansy Potter and Tin-Can Tommy)
These copies are scarce [vg] (2)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £161


Hotspur (1941) 384-427
Complete year of propaganda war issues, some printed fortnightly
Bright fresh covers, cream pages. A few [vg], balance [fn-/vfn] (48)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £190


Hotspur (1949) 637-686
Complete year with two fortnightly issues
With Captain Midnight, The Evil Eye and the Cannonball Kid
[vg+/fn/vfn] (50)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Magic 27 (1940)
With Koko, Peter Piper and the Tickler Twins in Wonderland
Well worn spine with tape residue - comic retrieved from bound volume [gd/vg]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £60


Magic 37 (1940) April Fool issue. Worn spine - comic retrieved from bound volume [vg]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


Magic 39 (1940)
Well worn spine with some loss to covers by spine - comic retrieved from bound volume [gd/vg]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £55


Frank Bellamy original signed sketch (1940s)
'To Be or Not to Be' The Catering Corps Sergeant in a dilemma over the troops tinned rations menu (Probably hung in the Sergeant's Mess!)
From the Bob Monkhouse archive
Indian ink and wash on card. 14 x 10 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £71


Secrets (1948-52 C.C. Thomson & John Leng) 1948-50: 24 issues, 1951: 35 issues, 1952: 34 issues including Bad Girl - Wild Wife, The Kidnapped Bride, As Bad as they Make'em!. With free gift The Secrets Birthday Horoscope Book [vg-/vg+ (93)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £184


Adventure and Crime UK/Oz reprints (1950s: Jenson Book Co, Streamline, Gordon & Gotch etc)
Airboy 1, 2, Action Comics the Lone Avengers 13, 20, Biggles 3, Black Cat Western 1, Blue Bolt 17, Captain Video 5, Murder Inc 2, Scorchy Smith 7, Dick Hercules 14, Guilty 1, Manhunter 53, Sgt. O'Brien 56, 60, 62, Out of This World 2 (Ditko cover), Roy Carson n.n. [vg], Sam Hill Private Eye 4, 5, Fawcett Movie Comics 55
[fn-vfn] (21)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £369


Beano (1950)
391, 393, 394, 397, 400, 401, 404, 406, 408, 410, 412, 414-417, 419-421, 430-432, 433 Fireworks, 434, 438, 440 Xmas
Fireworks & Xmas issues, both [vg+], balance l[vg-/fn-] (25)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £220


Beano (1951)
Starring Biffo, Dennis The Menace and Wee Peem
442, 443, 445, 453-469, 472-493
Nos 467, 472, 489 [gd], balance [vg/fn] (43)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £393


Beano (1952) 494-545
Complete year in bound volume
Dennis The Menace first front cover with Biffo in issue 540, Sparkling 500th issue, first Kat and Canary by Charles Grigg and Leo Baxendale
Due to industrial action that year distribution was heavily affected so complete years are subsequently scarce with issue Nos 523-528 with Newsagents scarcity message to top front covers
A few
[fn-], balance [fn/vfn+] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £655


Dennis the Menace original artwork (1952) by Davy Law for the Beano No 505 March 22 1952 with original comic. Dennis won't take his hands out of his pockets - until mum makes sure he can't!
Indian ink and red crayon, title panel is colour photocopy. 15 x 14 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £1,714


Beano (1953) 546-597
First Minnie The Minx and Roger the Dodger. No 568 Desperate Dan cover appearance in rare Dandy/Beano character cross-over. No 550 with 4 page pull-out ad supplement for Topper No 1
A few [vg+], balance [fn-/fn/vfn] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £536


Beano (Jan 2 - Aug 7 1954) 598-629 unbroken run
No 604 heralds the first appearance of those Bash St Kids in When the Bell Rings by Leo Baxendale with the first full colour Dennis the Menace back page
No 604 & 623 [vg+], balance [fn-/fn+] (32)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £595


Beano (1954) 600, 623, 632-634, 648 and 654 (from Jan 29 1955)
600 (vg-], balance [vg] (7)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £52


Beano (1956) 703-753 Xmas (near complete year missing 754)
With 748 First Bash St Kids, Biffo, Dennis, Roger, Minnie, Little Plum and The Iron Fish. From The Woodard Archive of British Comics
744 [vg-], a few [vg], a few [vfn], balance [fn-/fn] (51)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £595


Beezer (1956) 1-50 Near complete year missing No 35
Ginger, Mick on the Moon, Pop, Dick and Harry, The Banana Bunch, The Kings of Castaway Island and Calamity Jane start their adventures
No 1 with white interior tape strengthening spine [gd], 3 [gd], 37 missing centre spread [gd-], Xmas [fn], balance [vg/fn+] (49)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £1,404


Billy The Kid original cover artwork (1953) painted and signed by Walt Howarth with original Billy The Kid No 21 comic also signed by Walt Howarth
Gouache on board. 20 x 14 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Buck Jones original cover artwork (1959) by Georgio de Gaspari for Cowboy Picture Library No 270 (also included in the lot)
Gouache on canvas 11 x 12 ins (2)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £274


Buffalo Bill original cover artwork (1957) by Derek Eyles for Comet Picture weekly No 491
Gouache on board. 18 x 15 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Blue Circle No 8 (1953) Streamline
There were only two issues printed of Blue Circle
No 8 stars Women Outlaws and Judy Canova, Babe in the (Holly) Woods!
Rare [fn+]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Classics Illustrated No 17 The Deerslayer (1952 Canadian edition)
Rolled spine [vg] and UK 1/- editions: 89 Crime and Punishment [fn-], 82 Master of Ballantrae [vg], 107 King - of the Khyber Rifles [vg/fn], with Family Favourites No 4 (L Miller), Archie's Pal Jughead 25 and Pep 22 (both H John Edwards Australian reprints) and Tom and Jerry 3 (Thorpe & Porter)
These last four issues [fn] (8)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £55


Classics Illustrated (1/6d Super De Luxe UK editions 1952-53)
No 74: Mr Midshipman Easy, grubby back cover [vg], No 40: Mysteries [fn+], No 13 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde [vfn-] (3)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Comicolour Album 1952 cover original artwork painted and signed by Bill McCail (1902-1974) with original album
Bill McCail started his career at D.C. Thomson providing artwork for Rover, Adventure, Wizard and Red Letter, becoming a regular artist of the Dixon Hawke detective stories in The Sporting Post. He moved to London in 1940, beginning an association with publishers Gerald Swan. Bill specialized in drawing horses and exhibited at the Royal Scottish Academy in the 1950s
Poster colour on board. 14 x 10 ins (2)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £298


Dandy (1950) 424-475
Complete year in bound volume
With Korky, Keyhole Kate, Desperate Dan and Jammy Jimmy Johnston - His magic touch turns everything to grub!
Issue 445 onwards returned to pre-war wider format
7 issues with small file hole to lower margin with a few others [vg], balance [fn-/fn+] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Dandy (1951)
477, 478, 483, 485, 490, 492, 494, 495, 496, 501, 503, 506, 508, 510, 514-517
[fn-/fn/vfn] (18)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £113


Dandy (1952)
529-535, 537-540, 542, 544, 545, 547, 548, 550, 553, 554, 557, 560-566, 570, 572, 573, 577, 578
No 629 with Keyhole Kate and Korky cover adventure
530, 550, 566 [vg+], balance [fn-/fn/vfn] (32)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £179


Dandy (1953) 580-631
Complete year in bound volume including Coronation Holiday Paper as Desperate Dan cheers from the top of Big Ben with ads for his first annual and a 4 page Topper flyer
Slightly dull Xmas issue cover [vg+], balance bright covers, cream pages, some with a small biro name to back cover lower corner [fn/vfn] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £417


Dandy (1955)
687, 688, 690, 692, 693, 695, 698, 699, 701-705, 707-710, 712-714, 717, 719, 722, 724, 728, 729, 731-733
Nos 709, 710, 728 [gd], balance [vg/fn] (29)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £113


Dandy (1958)
842-844, 850, 855, 873-876, 878-880, 885 Fireworks, 886, 889-892 Xmas
Nos 879, 880, 892 Xmas [fn], 855 [vg-], balance [vg/vg+] (18)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £161


Davy Crockett original cover artwork (1959) by Jordi Penalva for Cowboy Picture Library No 319
Some glue residue to edges (retrieved from frame). Gouache on canvas 11 x 11½ ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Eagle Vol. 1, No 1 (1950)
Introducing Dan Dare, P.C. 49 and Captain Pugwash
Clear taped spine, horizontal mail fold, 3 ins sq cut-out pg 15, off-white pages [gd]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Dan Dare/Eagle cover original artwork (1956) drawn and signed by Frank Hampson for The Eagle Vol. 7, No 48 pg 1
With original comic including Xmas Shopping Supplement
'Dan, Lex, Flamer and Digby crash-land on Cryptos to aid the inhabitants against the ferocious Super-Phants from Phantos ...'
Bright gouache colours on board. 15 x 13 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £1,761


Eagle (1952-1953) Vol. 2: No 39-52, Vol 3: 1-52
All in bound volume
Starring Dan Dare in The Red Moon Mystery, Marooned on Mercury and Operation Saturn
Vol. 3: Nos 20-34: 3 ins top edge ripple to all pages from moisture damage, these 15 issues [vg+], balance 51 issues [fn/vfn] (66)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £60


Eagle (1953) Vol. 4: 1-38
Complete in bound volume
Starring Dan Dare in Operation Saturn, with Special Coronation Number and 8 Eagle Extra Free Supplements
[fn/vfn] (38)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


Eagle (1954) Vol. 5: 1-52
Complete year in bound volume
Starring Dan Dare in Operation Saturn and Prisoners of Space
No 2: Centre page spread large clear tape repairs [gd]. Twelve issues with small lower corner pieces torn away [vg], balance 39 issues [fn-/fn+] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £60


Eagle (1955) Vol. 6: 1-52 (missing No 31)
With Eagle (1968) Vol. 19: 1-52 (also missing No 31) with doubles of Nos 24, 28-30
Dan Dare in Prisoner of Space and The Man from Nowhere. With the first Riders of the Range Song Album (1950s) including the History of the Cowboy by Charles Chilton
Vol. 6: Nos 18, 20 with split spines [gd], balance [vg-/vg+], Vol. 19 [fn/vfn] (107)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £50


Dan Dare/Eagle original artwork (1959) by Frank Bellamy for The Eagle Vol 10, No 30 pg 2 with original comic
'As the rescue party follows along the Terra Nova Jungle trail, Dan, Sir Hubert and Digby are mysteriously given the freedom of Pax, The Novad central city ...'
Bright gouache colours on board. 15 x 13 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £1,809


Lion (1955) 150-202
Complete year in two bound volumes
Starring Captain Condor by Frank S Pepper, The Amazing Adventures of Mr X and Fighters of the Desert Patrol. These issues were Frank Pepper's own copies which he had to order from his local newsagent!
Bright covers and cream pages with shadow rust migration to spines [vg/fn] (53)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Kit Carson original cover artwork (1959) by Jordi Penalva for Cowboy Picture Library No 333 also included in the lot.
Narrow piece added to top margin. Gouache on board backed canvas, 12 x 11 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Master Comics (1950s Fawcett/L Miller) 71-80. Nos 75, 77, 78 [gd], balance 7 issues [vg/fn] (10)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Master Comics (1950s Fawcett/L Miller) 75, 81-86, 89
No 89 [vg-], balance [vg+/fn+] (8)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £50


Master Comics (1950s) 99, 109, 114, 120, 123, 124, 131, 139
[vg/fn] (8)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £50


Mickey Mouse Weekly (1951) 556-607
Complete year starring Mickey and the Disney gang
[vfn/vfn+] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £184


Mickey Mouse Weekly (1952) 608-659
Complete year with Mickey, Donald, Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood and the Disney gang
[vfn/vfn+] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £184


Miracle (1957) 1144-1195
Near complete 49 issue year (missing 1165, 1167 & 1187) with 23 further issues from 1949-54
Cream pages with rusty staples
With Red Star Weekly: 28 issues between 1935-1950
[vg/vg+] (100)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £149


Ozzy the Wiz original book cover artwork by Jock McCail (1954)
With original book
Poster colour on board 13 x 10 ins (2)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Ranger/Nyoka/War UK & Oz reprints (1950s L Miller, H John Edwards, Top Fiction).
Rangers 16, 19, Nyoka Jungle Girl 54, 59, 63, 65, 72, Atom-Age Combat n.n., Battle 3, 4, Battleground 6, Battle Stories 3, 6, Blackhawk n.n., Daring Hero 5, Zorro 63.
Battle 3 [gd], balance [vg/fn+] (16)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


School Cap (1953) 1-10
Complete run of Sports and School stories edited by Charles Buchan. Text stories with illustrated panels throughout
There were only 10 issues printed. Cream pages, rusty migrating staples [vg/fn-] (10)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


Strange Adventures (K.G. Murray 1954-56) 5, 9, 12, 16, 21, 22, 24, 27-29, 31
Nos 9, 12 [fn], balance [vg/vg+] (11)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £214


Superman Bumper Edition Annual 1 (1951)
The origin of Superman
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £107


Superman Annual 2 (1952)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £52


Thriller Picture Library (1958-59)
240, 244, 246-248, 250, 252, 254, 256, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 276, 278, 279
With Dick Daring, Spy 13 and Battler Britton
Bright covers with some rust spots showing through [vg/fn] (20)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Thriller Picture Library (1959-1960)
280, 282, 284, 286, 288, 292, 296, 297, 300-304, 306, 308, 309, 311, 312, 319, 323
With Spy 13, Dick Daring, Battler Britton and Dog Fight Dixon
Bright covers with rust spots showing through [vg/fn] (20)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Thriller Picture Library (1960-63)
325, 327, 331-333, 335, 339, 341, 367, 379, 381, 402, 422, 430, 445, 450 starring Battler Britton, Spy 13, Dick Daring, John Steele and Jet-Ace Logan With Western Picture Library (1953) Buffalo Bill (3 unnumbered issues) and Jesse James n.n.
Bright covers with rust spots showing through. 430 [gd], balance [vg/fn] (20)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £77


Topper (1953 & 1960) 1953: 8-12 (and 392) all missing centre page spread [fr], 18, 47 Xmas, 1960: 374-376 Easter, 377-380, 382, 385, 386, 389-392, 394, 398, 400, 407, 413 [vg/vg+] (27)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £29


Welcome (1950-56 D.C. Thomson & John Leng) 1950 x 1, 1953 x 6, 1954 x 1, 1956 x 28 issues including The Man Who Swam at Midnight, The Way to His Heart, The Watching Eyes, Be a Peach on the Beach, As if Nothing had Happened and The Amazing Proposal
[vg/fn-] (36)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Western UK reprints (1950s L Miller, Cartoon Art Prod., Fawcett, WDL etc)
Ace High 7, Action/The Lone Avenger 13, Best of The West 3 (full colour), Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders 6, Billy The Kid 5, 9, 14, Blazing West n.n. (only 2 issues published), Colorado Kid 3, Charles Starrett as Durango Kid 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, Golden Arrow 11, Iroquois Trail n.n., Lone Ranger 3, Lone Rider 3, Prairie Western n.n. (with Ron Embleton art cover and stories), Red Cameron Western 52, 53, Straight Arrow 16, Tex Ritter 58, Tim Holt 4, Tom Mix 55, Roaring Western 1 (the only issue)
[vg/fn] (26)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £113


Square Bound UK Western Reprints (1950s Thorpe & Porter/Jensen Book Co)
Jesse James Gang 4, 7, 8, Kid Colt Outlaw 3, 5-7, 13, 28, Kid Colt Western 4, Gene Autry Western 2, Texas Kid 1 (detached cover) [vg-], 2, 3, Tomahawk 25, 26
[vg+/fn+] (16)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £89


Western Picture Library (1958-62)
Mustang Gray No. 1 plus 8 further issues, Jim Bridger x 9 and Texas Kid x 2
5 issues [vg+], balance [fn/vfn] (20)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Western Picture Library (1960-62)
Arizona Jim x 17 issues with Jim Bowie x 3 issues
Bright covers, cream pages. 4 issues [vg], balance [fn/vfn] (20)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Western Picture Library (1960-62)
Peacemaker Ryan x 13 issues, Arizona Jim x 2, Clint McCoy x 2, War Paint, Texas Kid and Scalp Hunters.
6 issues [vg+], balance [fn/vfn] (20)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Western Picture Library (1960-62)
Texas Kid x 20 issues
6 issues [vg/vg+], balance [fn/vfn] (20)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £54


Beezer (1960) 207-258 In bound volume
Starring Pop, Dick and Harry, Calamity Jane, My Pal Wonder Wing, The Jelly Men, The Banana Bunch, The Black Sapper and Baby Crockett
Bright fresh covers, cream pages. The Highest grade 1960 year to be offered at auction [vfn/nm] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £655


Beezer (1967 & 1969) 1957: 583, 586-589, 594, 596, 602
Starring Ginger, The Banana Bunch, Space Patrol and The Numbskulls
1969: 680, 682, 684-687, 688 x2, 689-692, 704-706, 712-714, 718, 726 x2
No 680 [gd], 583 [vg-], balance [vg/fn+] (29)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £89


Beezer (1968) 625-645, 650-658, 663-667, 668 x2, 669-673, 675
With The Banana Bunch, Ginger, Pop, Dick and Harry and The Kings of Castaway Island
No 642 [gd], 641 [vg], balance [fn-/fn+] (43)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £143


Bluebird original front cover artwork (1965) from Ranger No 2 painted and signed by James E McConnell
Poster colour on board, 18 x 14 ins
With original comic and free gift, Donald Campbell's Book of Record Breakers [fn/vfn] (3)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £167


Boy's World (1961) Vol. 1: 1-34, 36-49
With Newsagents advertisement placard for Signed Cricket Bats Competition
No 1 [gd], 2-13 with vertical centre fold [vg], No 49 Xmas [vg-], balance [vg/fn-] (49)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


10 Christmas/Birthday Cards original artworks (1960s) by A.T. 'Bertie' Brown
Bertie Brown was a prolific 20th Century British comic artist. He was said to be the first illustrator to portray a Charlie Chaplin in comics for Amalgamated Press title 'Funny Wonder' in 1915 which he continued to do until 1944. As a staff artist for AP he drew regular features for all the Harmsworth titles including Merry and Bright, Butterfly, Larks, Comic Cuts and Rainbow. His first original comic strip was about the stray dog 'Homeless Hector', published in Illustrated Chips in 1908, soon to be followed by The Brownie Boys, Constable Cuddlecook, Smiler and Smudge, Jessie Joy, Jolly Joe Jinks, Jumbo Jim and Brother Tim amongst many more.
Albert Thacker Brown (1887-1974). 10 Artworks
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Commando War Stories in Pictures No. 1 (1961)
'Walk or Die!'
Bright cover, cream pages [vg+]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £690


Commando 2
'They Called Him Coward!'
Top cover 1 ins tear [vg]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £250


Commando 3
'A Guy Needs Guts'
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £184


Commando 4
'Mercy For None'
Back cover edge light moisture stain, light tan pages [vg]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £143


Commando 5
'Hellfire Landing'
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £202


Commando 7
'The Ship They Couldn't Sink'
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £143


Commando 10
'Hun Bait'
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


Commando 13 [vfn-], 14 [vfn] (2)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £226


Commando 16 (1962)
’Knife for a Nazi'
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £125


Commando (1962) 19-23
No 22 [vfn], balance [vg/vg+] (5)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £298


Commando (1962) 24, 25, 29
No 24 (vg], 25, 29 both [vfn] (3)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £321


Commando 27 (1962)
'Scourge of the Japs … they couldn't break the iron sergeant'
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £321


Commando (1962) 44, 46, 48, 49
Nos 46, 49 [vg-], 44, 48 both [vg] (4)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £137


Commando (1963) 62, 69, 71, 72, 74
Nos 62, 69, 72 [vg], 71, 74 [vg+] (5)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £161


Commando (1963) 75, 77, 78, 80
Nos 75, 77 [gd/vg], 78 [vg], 80 [fn-] (4)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £143


Commando (1963-64) 85, 87, 88, 99
No 87 [vg], balance [fn-/fn] (4)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £137


Eagle (1961) Vol. 12: 1-52
Complete year in bound volume with Dan Dare in the Solid-Space Mystery by Don Harley and Bruce Cornwell, Frazer of Africa by Frank Bellamy, The Road of Courage and The Story of Jesus by Frank Hampson and Harris Tweed by John Ryan
[fn/vfn] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £179


Heros the Spartan original double-page artwork (1965) painted and signed by Frank Bellamy for The Eagle Vol. 16: No 13
'After a revolt in the gold mines of Libya, Heros was captured by the escaped slaves - led by a Briton called Garthac - and forced to lead them across the desert. Suddenly they are attacked by an army of strange horsemen...'
Bright Pelikan inks on board. 28 x 20 ins. The Heros title lettering and rectangular text boxes are laser copy additions to complete the look of the artwork
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £3,213


Gun Law original colour artwork (1963) by Paddy Nevin for T.V. Express No 312
'Matt Dillon is drawn into a gunfight with Dalton as the wounded Chester rides up to warn Matt that a gang of professional gunslingers have taken over Dodge, hiding in ambush for his return ...'
Bright poster colours on board. 21 x 17 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Hurricane (1964) 1-44
In two bound volumes. Publisher's file copies (with 4 pg. no 1 flyer in Buster comic)
Starring Typhoon Tracy, Skid Solo, The Juggernaut from Planet Z and Sword for Hire
Bright covers, cream/light tan pages [fn-/fn+] (45)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £214


Jackie Magazine (1969) 261-312
Complete year with Jo and the Rebels fab double page adventures, Beauty Bazaar make-up page, What to Wear Fashion, Pop Gossip, Cathy and Claire's Problem page, Beatles, Stones, Amen Corner, The Move, Fleetwood Mac, T-Rex, Traffic full page pin-ups and stories
No 261: pg 13 missing, 287: front cover scrapes torn away - both [gd], balance [vg+/fn+] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £428


Jackie Magazine (1970) 313-364
Complete year with Jackie's Beauty Box, Fashion Birds and Boys, Pop Gossip, Jackie's Survival Kit for Bedsit Birds. The Steve McQueen story in pictures series, Elton John, Beatles, Canned Heat, Moody Blues, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Dave Clark Five and Fairport Convention full page pin-ups & stories
A few [vg/vg-], balance [vg+/fn+] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £428


Lady Penelope (1966-69 City Magazine) 1-122
Complete run including No 2 wfg Hairband (with secret X-Ray device) and No 53 wfg Lady Penelope Rain Hat. Starring Gerry Anderson's Lady P, the Man from U.N.C.L.E by Frank Langford, Perils of Parker by Peter Ford, Space Family Robinson by John Burns, Marina, The Angels, The Monkees, FAB Club fashion, Pop Pics and cookery recipes, ‘Your Post, M'Lady’ and Stop Press! stories from Lady Penelope's Top Secret Dossiers
From The Woodard Archive of British Comics
No 1 [fn], 4, 9, 38, 65, 79 [vg+], balance 116 issues [fn/fn+/vfn+] (122)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £3,570


Oz Magazine 1 (1967) Theological striptease cover 'Turn On, tune in, drop dead!'
Page 9 spoof Private Eye cover by Gerald Scarfe, In Bed with the English by Germaine Greer. Back cover fold out LBJ madonna draped in Playmate of the Month by Martin Sharp
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £1,333


Oz Magazine 3 (1967) ‘Love Me, I'm an Ugly Failure’ cover and fold out back cover poster 'What Beautiful Eyes She Has’ by Martin Sharp. Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey ‘Address to Politicians’ and ‘Magnificent Failures’ articles
Bright, fresh covers, clean white pages [fn+]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £381


Oz Magazine 4 (1957) With Oz Sheet No 1 insert
This issue was distributed at the Legalise Pot rally in Hyde Park. Thanks to its Hapshash and the Coloured Coat front & back cover 4 section fold out poster it sold out completely. Articles include Hippy Weddings and Guide to Living In Sin with Snakes and Ladders parody 'Snakes and Snakes - a lovely game for courting couples!
One inch cover scratch [fn]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


Oz Magazine 5 (June 1967) Special Surprise Issue!
The whole issue folds out to a back cover psychedelic 'Plant a Flower Child' by Martin Sharp. Understanding the bizarre cult of ALFS (basically Oz's take on working people with modest ambitions)
4 ins tape to cover edge [vg+]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £220


Oz Magazine 6 (1967)
Obscenity and Scotland Yard, John Peel interview, Picasso at St Tropez, Jagger and the Stones Drug Bust
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £31


Oz Magazine 8 (1968) Double issue with (misspelt) Che 'Geuvara' poster
Including Andy Warhol's Underworld Confidential and the Stones and Beatles Theory of Knowledge' by Richard Melzer
8 centre pages missing [fr]
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £45


Oz Magazines 9-11 (1968) No 9: Flying Saucers issues with cover by Oz founding artist, Martin Sharp
Bob Dylan lyrics for The Million Dollar Bash and 'Blow Up!' - the Kennedy assassination with Moorman photo article. No 10: Pornography of Violence issue, Adrian Mitchell on Vietnam and Presidential Elections chess game. No 11: with green sticker perforated cover (stuck to interior first and last pages). Dr Hip Ocrates Readers Medical page. International Yippie Mock Election, Ringo cartoon by Martin Sharp
[vg/fn-/vg+] (3)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £107


Oz Magazine 16 (Nov 1968) Martin Sharp's Magic Theatre cover version of Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf - Justice League of America parody. John & Yoko, Rene Magritte, Martin Sharp assembles one of the richest bank of collage images ever appearing in a magazine
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £57


Oz Magazine (1971) 36, 39, 40 with Cyclops No 1 (1970)
Featuring Acid in Wonderland, Suzi Slumgodess, Somerset Maugham in Morocco, Find the Barmaid of the Year, Jumpin' Jack Flash! 3 page colour cartoon by Robert Crumb and John Peel's Days of Future Past
Cyclops 1 [vg-], Oz issues with some staple rust [vg/fn-] (4)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £43


Solo (1967) 1-31 complete run
Laughs with Sgt. Bilko, Thrills with The Mysterons, Project Sword, U.N.C.L.E. and adventures with the Scarecrow, Seaspray and Mary Poppins
From The Woodard Archive of British Comics
No 21: 3 ins horizontal tear by top spine through all pages [gd], a few later issues [fn], balance [vg/fn] (31)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £1,404


TV Century 21 (1965-69) 1-242 complete run.
No 1 wfg Special Agent Identicode Decoder, No 155 wfg Captain Scarlet Album. Gerry Anderson's TV Century 21 achieved iconic status during its 1960s print run. This was largely due to the influence and deployment of the greatest artists of their day in its production. Frank Bellamy and Don Harley drew Thunderbirds, Mike Noble and Don Lawrence took turns at Fireball XL5 and Ron Embleton and Turner drew The Daleks, Stingray and Captain Scarlet. Even Dan Dare's legendary creator Frank Hampson drew Lady Penelope in issues 40-45 and the first few episodes of Fireball XL5. To our knowledge, this is the only complete run to come up for auction and the last 6 issues are notoriously hard to find
From The Woodard Archive of British Comics
No 1 has cream/light tan cover and pages [vg+], the free gift has a Special Agent's name & address neatly filled in. No 2 [vg], No 3 [fn-], 4-17 [fn/fn+], No 156: 2 ins lower b/cover cut-out [gd/vg], balance issues 18-242 [fn/vfn/nm] (242)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £3,987


TV Century 21
Stingray International Extra (1965) [fn/vfn], Summer Extra (1966) [vg/fn], Thunderbirds Extra (1966) worn top cover [vg-], Thunderbirds Spring Extra (1967) [fn-]
With Annuals (1965-68) 1: half inch top spine split [vg/fn], 3 [fn], 4 [fn-] (7)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £214


TV 21 & JOE 90 (1969-71) 1-105 complete run
Thunderbirds by Frank Bellamy, Star Trek by Harry Lindfield and JOE 90 by Michael Strand, The Saint and Tarzan begin their adventures
With TV 21 annuals 1971 & 1973
From The Woodard Archive of British Comics
No 1 with 1" scrape to lower back cover [fn-], 35: worn spine [vg], five later issues with staple rust and a few others [fn-], balance issues [fn+/vfn/nm] (107)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £666


TV Comic (1966-74)
770, 783, 784 Xmas 1966, 798-800, 814, 821, 937, 939, 940, 952, 985-987, 989, 990, 1021, 1026, 1032, 1041, 1103, 1104, 1108-1112, 1114, 1117, 1120, 1127, 1128, 1189
Nos 783, 1032 [gd], balance [vg/fn] (34)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £232


TV Tornado (1967-68) 1-88 Near complete run (missing issues 48, 58, 59, 64 and 67)
No 1 wfg Batchute. Starring Batman and Robin, Superman, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Phantom, Flash Gordon and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
With Annuals 1, 3, 4
From The Woodard Archive of British Comics
No 1 [vg], No 3 back cover 4 ins scrape and tear, repaired with archival tape [vg], No 28 [vg], a few [vg/fn], balance [fn/vfn+] (86)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £488


Valiant and Hurricane (Jul- Dec 1964)
26 issues in complete half-year in bound volume with Kelly's Eye, The Steel Claw, Jack 'O' Justice and Captain Hurricane (who, in one issue, takes on Hitler, Goering and Himmler…!)
28th November top cover margin piece missing and some tears [vg], balance issues bright, fresh covers, cream pages [vfn/vfn+] (26)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


Adventure Double Double Comics 1 (1970)
Containing 1960s remaindered, coverless US issues: Adventure 357, 350, House of Mystery 153 and Mystery In Space 110 [fn] with Jimmy Olsen Double Double Comics 1 (1970) containing remaindered 1960s coverless US issues Jimmy Olsen 98, 102, 101 and Aquaman 28 [vg] (2 albums)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £48


Avengers (1973) 3-5, 6 x2, 7-15 all [vfn]
With Marvel Team-Up (1980) 1-16 wfg stickers (with 1, 2, 3) [fn/vfn] (30)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £65


Buster/Buster and Jet (Jul-Dec 1971)
26 issue complete half-year in publisher's bound volume including 1st Buster and Jet (2nd Oct 1971)
Starring Buster (of course), Fishboy, Pest of the West, Galaxus, Clever Dick, Faceache, Charlie Peace and Sherlock Jnr the Defective Detective
Bright covers, cream pages [fn/vfn] (26)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £161


Buster and Jet (Jul - Dec 1973)
26 issue complete half-year in publisher's bound volume
With Buster, Faceache, Pete's Pocket Army, The Kids of Stalag 41, Zarga - Man of Mystery, Fishboy with Clever Dick and Nellyphant by Leo Baxendale
Bright covers, cream pages [fn/vfn] (26)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £77


Buster and Jet (Jan - Jun 1974)
21 issues in publisher's bound volume including first Buster and Cor! (22 Jun 1974)
Due to industrial action 19 Jan, 16 Feb, 2, 16 and 30 March not published
With Buster (Jan-June 1976) 26 issues complete half-year in publisher's bound volume starring Buster, Clever Dick, Nellyphant, Rent-A-Ghost, Faceache and Bally Farmer - Half Boy - Half Leopard!
2 volumes [fn/vfn] (47 issues)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £131


Buster and Monster Fun (1978)
Complete year in two publisher's bound volumes
With Buster, Clever Dick, X-Ray Specs, Terror TV, Kid Kong, Gums (A Shark worse than its Bite), Faceache and Pete's Pocket Army
[vfn/vfn+] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £161


Charley's War: 3 original consecutive artworks (1981) by Joe Colquhoun with script by Pat Mills for Battle 616 pgs 12-14
'The battle of the Somme - July 1916. Charley Bourne, "Ginger" and "Lonely" had been captured by the Germans. Now Lonely revealed how he'd played his part in throwing a bomb into the midst of some Germans and how they stormed back to exact their revenge on his platoon...'
Indian ink on card. 19 x 15 ins. Title header is a laser copy (3 artworks)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £690


Cor!! (Jan-June 1974)
Complete half year in bound volume (including last issue)
With Buster and Cor!! (3 Aug- 28 Dec 1974) in publisher's bound volume
Starring Buster, Gus, Tom Boy, Wonder Worm, Andy's Ants, Fiends and Neighbours, The Gasworks Gang, Clever Dick, Rent-A-Ghost and Uncle Ironsides
[fn/vfn] (Two bound volumes, 48 issues)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £226


Detective Double Double Comics 2 (1970) containing 1960s remaindered, coverless US issues:
Detective 354, Flash 152, Fantastic Four 60, Strange Adventures 190 [vg]
With World's Finest Double Double Comics 1 (1970) containing 1960s remaindered, coverless US issues: JLA 49, Metal Men 26, Wonder Woman 167 and Tales of Suspense 94 [vg] and Marvel Comic Album No 1 (1969) with some loose interior sections [vg] (3 albums)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £50


Charley's War: 3 original consecutive artworks (1981) by Joe Colquhoun (signed to pg. 12) with script by Pat Mills for Battle 617 pgs 12-14
'It was the battle of the Somme - July 1916. Charley Bourne with his friends "Ginger" and "Lonely", were in the hands of a German who was intent on revenging himself on all British troops. Just as the German was about to shoot them, Charley acted with lightning speed'
Indian ink on card, the title header is a laser copy. 19 x 15 ins (3 artworks)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £1,166


Dracula Lives (1974) 1 (including poster), 2, 3
[vfn/vfn-nm/nm] (3)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £83


Charley's War: 3 original consecutive artworks (1981) by Joe Colquhoun with script by Pat Mills for Battle 625 pgs 9-11
'August 1st 1916! After the failure of the British cavalry to break through, the battle of the Somme raged on. In the front-line trenches, Charley Bourne celebrated his seventeenth birthday.'
Indian ink on card, 19 x 15 ins (3 artworks)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £1,000


Jet (1 May - 25 Sept 1971) 1-22 complete run
With Jet Annual (1973) [vfn]
No 2 wfg Zooming Monster Wasp
From the Woodard Archive of British Comics
Nos 1, 2 [fn[, 4 [vg-], balance issues [vg/fn] (23)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £250


June (1971) 30 Jan - 25 December
48 issue complete year (Printing problems prevented the first four January issues)
With Glory Knight - Time Travel Courier, Oh! Tinker, Sindy's Scene, Angela Barrie's Fashion page and The Wild Girl of the Hills
Bright covers, cream pages, rusty staples [fn-/fn] (48)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £71


June (1972) 1 Jan - 30 Dec
Complete year with Gymnast Jinty, Cilla the Chiller, Sindy's Scene, My Friend Kate and Lucky's Living Doll
Small biro issue number to each top cover margin [fn/fn+] (53)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £95


June (1973) Jan 6 - Dec 29
Complete year starring Lucky's Living Doll, Melody for Mimi, Mini Ha-Ha, Angela Barrie asks 'Are you square?' and Sindy's Scene with My British Fans by David Cassidy
Bright covers, cream pages with biro issue number to each top cover margin [fn] (52)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £77


The Protectors: two original colour artworks (1973) by Transformers artist, Mario Capaldi (1935-2004) for T.V. Action No 132 pages 18 & 19
'Mystic Chang seeks the secrets of Houdini from his rival, Magus the Magnificent. When Suki is kidnapped Harry Rule heads for Chang's HQ - where he finds the whole place is a box of tricks ...'
Poster colour on board with tracing paper text overlay. 21 x 14 ins (2 artworks)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: u/s


Sandie (17 Feb 1972 (No. 1) - 20 Oct 1973 last issue)
Near complete 87 issue unnumbered run missing 3 March & 2 Oct 1973
Starring Connie Courageous, Anna's Forbidden Friend, The Captives of Terror Island with Leo Baxendale's Brenda's Brownies and Wendy the Witch
From the Woodard Archive of British Comics
No 1 [vfn], last issue missing back cover [gd], 9 issues [vg-/vg+], balance 76 issues [fn/vfn] (87)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £714


Spellbound (1976-78) 1-69
Near complete run (missing No 8). No 1 with free gift Mystic Sun Pendant
Starring the Supercats, When the Mummy Walks and The Music Master
From The Woodard Archive of British Comics
No 1 [fn], 11, 24, 30, 55 [vg/vg+], balance [fn/fn+] (68)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £417


Super-Heroes 1 (1975)
With Savage Sword of Conan 1, 2. Both No 1s including posters
[vfn/nm] (3)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £101


2000 AD (1977) Prog 1-39 missing issues 23, 29 and 35
Starring Judge Dredd, Mach 1, Dan Dare, Harlem Heroes, Flesh and Invasion Stories
Prog 1: lower back cover torn away [gd], 2: some horizontal spine tears [vg-], 3 [vg], 4 [gd], 5: pg 21/22 Tharg editor/ ad page cut out [pr], a few others [vg-], balance [vg/fn-] (36)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £488


Valiant and TV 21 (1 Jan 1972 - 10 March 1973) 62 issues complete in two bound volumes
Starring Captain Hurricane, Janus Stark, Star Trek, The Swots and the Blots, Return of the Claw and Kelly's Eye
[fn/vfn] (62)
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £262


Wombles original front cover artwork (1980) by Jesus Blasco for Jack and Jill Weekly cover, 30 August 1980.
Orinoco, Tobermory, Bungo and Wellington launch a remote-controlled Royal Navy helicopter.
Gouache on board. 15 x 13 ins
Winning bid incl. 19% Buyer's Premium: £107

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