Comic Book Postal Auctions
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Dear Compal customers,


Welcome to our Feb/March auction. Click here for the main page for the February catalogue. You can place realtime bids at Click here to place realtime bids at


Our first catalogue of 2025 brings over sixty first issues from the 1880s-1930s, collected over a 40 year period by one of our most ardent long-time collectors. They include Boys’ Friend, British Boy, British Girl, British Lion, Butterfly, Cheerio, Champion, Chimpo’s Circus, Firefly, John Bull, Larks, Charlie Chaplin’s Picture Show, Rover, School Friend, Skipper, Wizard and Union Jack.



The 1940s promote Beano bound volumes for 1947 and ’48 and a magnificent full story artwork of Tom Thumb by Dudley Watkins along with The Magic-Beano Book of 1948 from which it comes. A complete Beano year of 1951 with Dandy years of ’52, ’56 and ’57 are also on offer, those last two years in high grade bound volumes. The Beezer No 1 is also here, along with its free gift Whizz Bang and No.1 flyer.


We are proud to offer the first tranche of the Lawrence Archive of Ron Turner Comics and Artwork starting with 18 issues of Tit-Bits Science Fiction Library from 1953 and followed by the six-issue run of Tit-Bits Science Fiction Comics by C Arthur Pearson, with many covers by Ron Turner, one of the finest science fiction artists of his day. At lot 55 there’s also ‘The Diemos Deadline’ a stunning piece or re-creation artwork by Turner, painted in the 80s and illustrated in a new book, due to be published in mid-March, entitled ‘The Fantastic Art of Ron Turner’, compiled and edited by his life-long friend, John Lawrence. If you’d like a sneak-peek, go to:


The first four years of Judy comics competes for your attention along with Number One issues of Commando War Stories in Pictures, Oz Magazine, Fabulous (wfg Beatles 20 Hit Songbook), Fantastic, Jag, Hornet, Hurricane and Terrific with over twenty 1970s first issues, most with their free gifts including 2000AD progs 1, 2 and 3, all with theirs. Three Charley’s War artwork sets by Joe Colquhoun conclude the highlights of our UK section.


Our U S collection continues with a Golden Age selection including Action Comics, Big Shot, Bulletman, Fiction House, Green Hornet, Nyoka, Superman, Tip Top and Top Spot from the 1940s with Crime SuperStories, Out of The Night, Tales from the Crypt, The Thing and Worlds of Fear from the 50s.
Our Silver Age keys include Amazing Fantasy 15 (restored and CGC graded 2.0), Incredible Hulk 2-6, Iron Man 1 and 55, Journey into Mystery 83, Strange Tales 110 and Green Lantern 1 with good runs of Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers, Fantastic Four, Strange Tales, Tales of Suspense, Tales to Astonish and X-Men with a strong crop of CGCs under those titles.


Please enjoy our fun-filled February auction.


Malcolm Phillips
Comic Book Auctions Ltd.


Postal bids need to be with us by FRIDAY 28 FEBRUARY and we will enter them on your behalf in Book Auctions website closing on Sunday 2 March from 2 pm.